iOS 18 Features: Few of the Highlights & Upgrades We May put in
August 4, 2024

Why I Choose Android Over iOS
August 17, 2024World of technology is surrounding with the news of upcoming iPhone 16 models. specially 16 pro and 16 ProMax models. the leaks and reports so far we have suggest that these latest upcoming models have a very unique and high end Wi-Fi upgrade technology. a very satisfied technology which apple had been using to enhance customer experience and satisfaction. but unfortunately this huge upgrade is only associated with pro and pro max models only.in this article we will discuss reasons and motives behind apples decision not to upgrade Wi-Fi enhancements to the other models.
Importance of Wi-Fi Upgrades
iPhone 16 pro and iPhone 16 pro max models are expected to introduce Wi-Fi 7 which is the latest Wi-Fi technology apple has introduced so far. Wi-Fi 7 technology is supposed to do the magic of the fastest speed, huge efficiency over browsing and is effectively capable of handling multiple devices at the same time. these enhancements are due to the demand of high data usage for commercial use and high definition video either its live stream or offline stream. it is also a requirement for augmented reality , virtual reality or any other applications which require huge data transfer performance capability.
new technology for Wi-Fi 7 works under huge giga hertz from 2.4 to 6 bands. the highest 6 band comes with more smooth data transfer without any blockage of transfer. it is capable of transferring more than 30 GBs of data per second. this technology is super fast and reliable which keeps no mid line interference for any data transfer between even crowded areas and specially for live stream high definition video streaming
Affect On Users
This super fast technology apple has promised to their users comes with multiple benefits like way faster internet speed, specially for live streaming and high graphic gaming. usually we saw a lag during high graphical gaming live play but this new technology will decrease the risk of lagging and sometimes even crashing due to the lower rate of data transfer ability.
iPhone 16 pro and pro max models are rumored to have high number of sales due to this high quality internet and Wi-Fi speed. by introducing Wi-Fi 7 technology in only 16 pro and pro max models apple is set to hit a strategy. pro models always are a choice of premium users. so this way apple can justify a high price for the users offering them a very high speed Wi-Fi device which can easily justify the high end price for the said devices.
Introducing new technologies always require new management and complex hardware and software production capabilities, which require more work force and man power. so price wise it can be more expensive than all the older pro and pro max models. this way apple can always justify their price hike as every new upgrade in hardware comes with new technology and challenges which company can face during manufacturing. this upgrade was promised by apple as many users had a complain about lagging online gaming and high definition video playback. so introducing this technology apple has clearly created a distinction between basic user and pro user.
iPhone 16 pro and 16 pro max models are coming with a huge revolutionary upgrade with Wi-Fi 7 which is a milestone for tec related companies. it will enhance user experience and satisfaction. users will have this upgrade by paying expensive price but apple has strongly justified the rumored price hike as they are providing latest technology based hardware which requires more production cost.